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GICriptoEngine (c) 2016, Giovanni Iacobelli




GICriptoEngine is a tool for the command line allowing to
encrypt files with symmetric and asymmetric keys


GICriptoEngine requires the presence the .NET Framework 4.0
or later.


GICriptoEngine.exe [Command] source_file dest_file

Commands list:
-c crypt
-d decrypts
-f creates the signing of the document file
-vf verify the signature of the document file
-k <dir> <pwd> creates the asymmetric key pair
-p <password> Sets the password for symmetric
encrypt / decrypt the file
-cert <..> pathname of the x.509 certificate or subject
to recover from the store (cn = miocert)
-pc <password> Sets the password to open the certificate
-key <..> pathname of the asymmetric key
-pk <password> Sets the password to open the key
-info displays program information


Encryption with symmetric key

In symmetric key encryption with the same password will be
used for both encryption and decryption.

The following command encrypts the file c:\data.txt using
the password 12345678

GICriptoEngine.exe -c -p 12345678 c:\data.txt

to decrypt it is necessary to use the -d command:

GICriptoEngine.exe -d -p 12345678 c:\data.txt

To encrypt the file in a different file leaving the file
original unmodified:

GICriptoEngine.exe -c -p 12345678 c:\data.txt c:\daticriptati.txt

If you try to decrypt an decrypted file or encrypt an already
encrypted file will generate an error.

Encryption with asymmetric key

In asymmetric encryption keys you will have two keys of which
one private and one public. The public key will be used to
encrypt and the private key to decrypt.

The following command creates the key pair:

GICriptoEngine.exe -k c:\keys 12345678

In the c:\keys asymmetric keys are created contained in their


12345678 is the password that will be used to encrypt the key
private. The password setting is not mandatory.

If the destination folder does not exist or folder destination
already contains the keys will be generated error.

The following command encrypts the files with asymmetric key:

GICriptoEngine.exe -key -c c:\keys\publickey.txt c:\data.txt

Must be used to decrypt the private key:

GICriptoEngine.exe -d -key c:\keys\privatekey.txt c:\data.txt -pk 12345678

The x.509 certificates contain in their interior a pair of
asymmetric keys or at least the public key.

The following command shows how to encrypt the file data.txt
using the public key contained in the certificate newCert.cer

GICriptoEngine.exe -cert -c c:\newCert.cer c:\data.txt

Using the private key of the certificate can be decrypt the

GICriptoEngine.exe -cert -d c:\newCert.pfx c:\data.txt -pc 12345678

The following command encrypts the file with the certificate
stored in the computer store.

GICriptoEngine.exe -c -cert c:\data.txt

The search is performed in the personal archive of Current
User and in the archive the local computer.

The advantage of using a certificate stored in the store is
that it is not required to decrypt the password

GICriptoEngine.exe -d -cert c:\data.txt

Signature generation and validation

Using the private key file you can generate signature of a
particular file.

GICriptoEngine.exe -f -key c:\keys\privateKey.txt -pk 12345678 c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt

GICriptoEngine.exe -cert -f c:\newcert.pfx -pc 12345678 c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt

GICriptoEngine.exe -f -cert -pc passw0rd c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt

to test you must use the public key:

GICriptoEngine.exe -vf -key c:\keys\publicKey.txt c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt

GICriptoEngine.exe -vf -cert c:\newcert.cer c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt

GICriptoEngine.exe -vf -cert c:\data.txt c:\firma.txt


For the language setting set the localization file in the key
of the configuration file GICriptoEngine.exe.config
<setting name="LanguageFile" serializeAs="String">

The localization files available are:

mgs_it.ini -> Italian language
msg_eng.ini -> English language


This program belongs to the category FREEWARE.
This means it can be freely copied and distributed but it can
not be sold except for a small amount of money to pay the
copying and distribution expenses.
The author retains all rights to the program and it can do
all it wants (including selling it).

The program can be used freely by anyone without no cost: the
program is free.

It may be freely distributed by the computer magazines
enclosing the CD-Rom containing magazine collections programs
Shareware, Freeware and / or Public Domain

It may be freely distributed into archives sites software
(HTTP or FTP).

It can not be included in their commercial packages without
the author's written permission.

The author can do whatever he wants.

Given the purely amateur nature of the software, the author
not ensures perfect functioning.

It will not be considered and will not be, under any
circumstances, responsible for damages of any kind, direct or
indirect, due to program or its malfunction.


If you do not accept these terms and conditions or any of them
You should stop using the program and uninstall it from her